Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Equal Opportunities

Etz Chaim is a non-selective Free School.


Etz Chaim believes that every child should reach their full potential. Learning should be suitably challenging for all so that it constantly moves children forward in their learning journey. Teachers are expected to have high expectations of all children and a belief that all children can make good progress.


Where children have Special Educational Needs, individual education plans are produced which specifically address their needs. These are often based on the advice received from outside agencies who have conducted specific assessments on the child’s area of difficulty. Often additional resources are deployed to ensure that children with special needs are supported in reaching their challenging targets; they are expected to progress at the same rate as other children.


Where children are gifted or talented, it is every teacher’s responsibility to ensure that their needs are met within each lesson. Often a child can be challenged through applying their understanding to different contexts. The curriculum does not put a cap on children’s progress; they will be taught at their level of attainment.