Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

 Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium funding introduced in 2011 is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.

 The Pupil Premium scheme has given schools an additional budget to spend freely in a way they believe would maximise support and improve the achievements of these vulnerable pupils.

 The scheme is also offered for those children who are in care or who have been looked after for more than six months. It acknowledges the additional support these children require in order to maximise their educational achievement. It is also provided for children of parents in the armed services.

 We have the highest expectation of all our students. Through our Pupil Progress meetings we thoroughly identify which pupils are underachieving and use research evidence to allocate funding to the activities that were most likely to have an impact on improving achievement.

 At Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School support to raise achievement is personalised according to each individual. We use our knowledge of students and their families to identify potential barriers to individual students attaining their goals, and use the funding flexibly to overcome these barriers. We are committed to ensuring that pupils fulfil their potential in a particular subject or skill and that this is not hindered by of a lack of opportunities outside of school, or a lack of family finances. Therefore, funding may be used to support these students in experiences and skills beyond their academic gains.

 Through careful monitoring and evaluation we can show the positive impact of our spending on the outcomes for pupils.


The Pupil Premium Provision

 We have identified the following barriers to educational achievement that we shall be targeting our spending of pupil premium money on in order to provide specialist teacher support, targeted resources and personalised support in the classroom.

  • We have a very small number of pupils eligible for the pupil premium grant, there are no common barriers therefore each pupil’s unique circumstances are identified and addressed through personalised provision.
  • Targeted learning support to enable children to fully access learning and accelerate progress where there are educational learning needs.
  • Pastoral Work undertaken to raise self-esteem, provide emotional resilience and extend personal skills in order to support pupil's social, emotional and mental health needs.
  • Specific support for those children with Communication and Language Difficulties
  • Enrichment opportunities to ensure that children are given the opportunity to develop talents in sport and creativity and extending experiences for all children.


Measuring the Impact

We will measure the impact and effect in several ways.

  • We will always look towards removing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils. We will measure our success in how well we close that gap.
  • We will raise the aspirations of our most disadvantaged pupils and ensure equality of access to the curriculum. We will measure our success in how well our disadvantaged pupils engage in school life to realise their dreams and ambitions.
  • Disadvantaged pupils nationally are less likely to achieve higher educational outcomes and go onto further and higher education. We will measure how successful our most able disadvantaged pupils achieve.
  • Disadvantaged pupils nationally are less likely to have good attendance at school. We will measure our success in how well our pupils attend school.


Pupil Premium 2023-2024

 Please click here to view our Pupil Premium strategy statement for 2023-24.


Pupil Premium 2022-2023

Please click here to view our Pupil Premium strategy statement for 2022 - 23.