Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Key Stage 2

This includes Years 3 to 6. 
In Year 3 and Year 4 children follow the National Curriculum for Lower Key stage 2.  They have more opportunity for independent research. Children are expected to take on increasing responsibility for their own learning by reflecting on how well they have learnt against the Learning Objective and a list of success criteria – things they can do now or know now. The most successful learners reflect on how they learn and this approach to self-assessment and reflection help to underpin a consistent approach to learning whatever the subject.
In Year 5 and 6 children follow the National Curriculum for Upper Key stage 2.  Children build on their experiences from Lower Key Stage 2 and consolidate skills in Upper Key stage 2.  They are now experienced in evaluating their own learning and able to sustain concentration on more substantial learning tasks.  Learning tasks promote characteristics such as resilience, enquiry, communication, cooperation, respect and adaptability.
Reading, Writing and Mathematics form the main focus of the curriculum. In addition the children learn a variety of other curriculum areas including; Science, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music, History, Geography and Computing in a way that is challenging and motivating. Children also have P.E., Jewish Studies and Ivrit lesson across the week.
The classroom settings are bright and airy with stimulating working walls and displays adding to children’s implicit learning. Lessons are taught both inside and outside as often as possible and include practical activities so that learning is varied and interesting to all children regardless of their preferred learning style.