Mental Health and Wellbeing
Supporting the wellbeing and positive mental health of all pupils and families in our school is a key component of what we offer here at Etz Chaim. We strive to support the children in school in a variety of ways including liaising with families and working with class teachers and external services to ensure every child has access to the right support. We can offer:
-emotional mentoring (formal and informal)
-emotional literacy targeted group work
-friendship groups
-signposting for parents
-liaison with class teachers and other staff working with your child
-implementation of strategies to support your child's wellbeing
-support for class teachers in making small reasonable changes
Mrs Martin and Mrs Weisman are our qualified Mental Health First Aiders. Please do not hesitate to speak to them if you have any concern about your child's wellbeing.
Please click here to find a list of Mental Health support for children, young people and their families in North London.
Please click here to find a list of Mental Health support for children, young people and their families based on postcode.
The factsheets below from Barnet offer information on local services that can provide support and advice on how to manage or improve your mental health and wellbeing at different stages of life.
The websites below offer a variety of support for mental health and wellbeing.
These FREE online training courses teach you the skills and confidence to have a potentially life-saving conversation with someone you’re worried about.
Nip in the Bud works with mental health professionals of the highest standing to produce FREE short evidence-based films and fact sheets to help parents, educationalists and others working with children to recognise potential mental health conditions.
How to talk to your child about mental health.
Jami enriches and saves lives impacted by mental illness in the Jewish community. They guide people through the challenging journey of navigating mental health services, providing emotional support and expert advice. They provide professional, person-centred treatment and support for young people and adults with mental health needs, as well as for their families and carers.
Kooth is a transformational digital mental health platform that launched in 2004. It gives children and young people (CYPs) immediate access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced, accredited counsellors.
OLLIE is a charity dedicated to delivering suicide awareness, intervention and prevention training by empowering professionals and young adults in their own communities to lead suicide prevention activities. It is widely accepted in society that with appropriate support and education, suicide can be prevented.
Mental Health Information and Advice
A variety of resources to help support mental health and well being (downloads, website links, apps, books, videos).
Grief Encounter provide free, professional and specialist bereavement support services for children and young people.
The Barnet Wellbeing Service was established as a collective process between people who use mental health services, voluntary and community sector organisations, the health service, and Barnet Council.
Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling, they can help.
The 5 Ways To Wellbeing are a little bit like your 5 fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Trying to achieve these daily should help increase wellbeing and support you in feeling mentally healthy.
Mind provide services supporting wellbeing, advocacy, therapy, training and advice. They provide local services in Enfield and Barnet working with people who use all mental health services to help shape and improve what we do.
Mind Enfield and Barnet
Barnet Integrated Clinical Services (BICS) provide mild to moderate mental health services to children, young people and families in the borough.