Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 1 2024-25


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


In English this week the children role played a scene from The Three Little Pigs. They considered what the characters might be saying in the scene and added their own speech.


In Maths this week the children learned place value with numbers up to 50. They enjoyed playing a game where they could score 10 or 1 depending on where they threw the beanbags. They played this game to make different 2-digit numbers.


In Maths this week the children have been measuring length. We linked our learning to Tu Bishvat and measured fruit. We started using non-standard units before moving onto centimetres.


In Science this week Year 1 have been learning about their 5 senses. After exploring all our senses, we investigated our hearing by sorting musical instruments from loudest to quietest.


In Geography this week, we practised finding different places on a map. We went around the park, identifying locations on a map of the park and completed a key.


In Maths this week we have found different ways to make numbers to 20 using tens frames, part-whole models and tens and ones.


In English this week we have continued to work on our book Handa’s Surprise. We compared Mill Hill to the village that Handa lives in and wrote our ideas down together.


In Maths this week the children have been practising making numbers 10-20 in different ways and recognising that these numbers are made of tens and ones.


In English this week the children have been reading poems by Shirley Hughes about sand, water and mud. They explored all of these and generated lots of adjectives to help write their own poems.


In Maths this week the children have been exploring 3D and 2D shapes. They have learnt to name them and use mathematical language to describe their properties. We also found different ways to sort the shapes.


In Jewish Studies this week the children have been practising reading Hebrew letters and the sounds in the word Havdalah.


The children sampled different salads in DT and really enjoyed describing the taste. They voted on their favourite salad in preparation for making their own.


The children felt the ice as an introduction to their science topic seasonal changes and their new book Winter Sleep.


The children wrote their own sentences to explain what was happening in The Little Red Hen.


The children have learnt to write number sentences to write out one less than any number.


In English the children followed instructions to make Gingerbread and will go on to write instructions.


The children enjoyed their messy phonic revision task in class! They had to find the sounds dunked into slime to read aloud to revisit the sounds they learnt last year.


In DT this week the children explored ways of joining materials. We linked it to Purim and created hamantaschen by gluing, taping and stapling!


In English this week we linked our learning to our science week investigation. Children learned the story of Hansel and Gretel, did a story map and retold part of the story.




In Art this week we have continued learning about mixing colours. We used all the skills we have learnt so far of creating secondary colours, tints and shades to create Kandinsky inspired art.


In Maths this week, we have been exploring number bonds to 20. We used a part-whole model to partition 20 in different ways.


In Art this week we have learned how to shade by adding black to a colour. We had fun creating our own art work by gradually making shades darker.


In Ivrit this week we have learned some Hebrew letters. We played a game with lolly-pop sticks where we had to work together to build different Hebrew letters.


In Science this week the children have started their new topic of Animals including Humans. We learnt about different groups of animals and looked for animals around our school to observe.


In JS this week the children have been learning all about the festival of Chanukah. They have done lots of Chanukah art including making their own dreidels.


In English we have started to explore some poetry by Shirley Hughes. We listened carefully to a poem and visualised what the poet wanted to portray. We drew what we imagined and underlined the words that helped us.


In DT this week the children made a green salad. They chose which green vegetables they wanted to include and chopped them up safely. Then they tasted their salads and will evaluate them next week!


In English the children planned their own poem based on a poem they read on Winter. They looked at a Winter scene and described it.


In maths the children were introduced to subtraction. They did lots of practical work with the part whole model


The children have built sculptures in the style of Jill Townsley.


The children explored rhyming words in English.


In maths the children played matching pairs to help recognise numbers as words.


In Maths the children collected natural materials. They sorted them into groups and counted them.