Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 2 2024-25


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


The children continued loved learning about Andy Warhol and pop art. They created their own pop art by cutting out repeated images and colouring them in different colours using oil pastels. Their favourite part of the lesson was singing along to pop music whilst working.  


The children continued learning about portraits, this week they looked at the way Paul Klee used watercolours. They then created their own watercolour background, either by using long strokes or by dotting paint onto the paper.


To conclude our learning of ‘Man on the Moon’ the children have written a book review or a book report, including their favourite characters and if they would recommend the book or not.


In Geography, the children have been learning about ‘Our Wonderful World’. They used atlases and globes to find the continents and oceans.


The author of ‘Jojo’s Jump’ came in to school to read her book. She spoke to the children about trying their best to reach their goal, which linked nicely with the work we have been doing in English on following your dreams and being ambitious.


The children have been learning about ‘Rocket’ the main character from our class book ‘Look Up’. This week they learnt how to draw Rocket by the illustrator Dapo Adeola.


In Art, the children created self-portraits. This week they created self-portraits in the style of Picasso when he was in his Cubist era. They cut out facial features, stuck them in random places on the page and stuck colourful cellophane over them. We then discussed the difference between realistic and abstract art.


In Maths, we have been looking at place value. The children have been counting in 10s and 1s and making 2-digit numbers together, using maths manipulatives and place value charts.