Year 2 2024-25
Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.
We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.
The children have been busy making their own Megillah’s which retell the story of Purim.
The children in Year 2 love reading! We have been given a small amount of money to create a fun and cosy reading area, the children are using their maths minds to work out how much each item will cost.
In Handwriting, the children have been practicing their joins. They have loved learning joined up handwriting.
In Science this week, the children have been looking at the importance of recycling. They sorted out objects and put them in the right ‘bin’. The children told Miss Genn to stick the sorting pictures onto the display board so we didn’t waste paper!
In PE this week the children were learning about different ways to balance and how to support each other when balancing.
In English, the children have started looking at writing a non-chronological report on whales. They went through a piece of writing about whales and highlighted the most important parts.
In Science, the children were looking around the classroom and playground at different materials and which objects were made out of plastic, metal, wood, fabric etc
We have started our new Art topic ‘Nature Sculptures’. The children learn what a sculpture is and the different types of materials that are used to make sculptures. They then made their own mini models out of clay.
In Maths, the children have been working independently answering questions about addition and subtraction. They got out resources that they needed to answer the questions.
In Science this week, the children learnt about keeping healthy by being hygienic. We did an experiment, where the children had paint on their hands and used a paper towel, water and soap and water to see what the most effective way would be to wash the ‘germs’ off.
In DT this week, the children started making templates for their bunting. They created a template out of paper, traced around them and cut it out of felt.
In Science, the children have been learning about life cycles and how animals change. They enjoyed looking at the life cycle models and talked about the difference between mammal’s offspring and reptile offspring.
The children played a 'respect' board game in PSHE. They had cards with scenarios that they answered as a group and decided what was respectful and what was not.
The children continued loved learning about Andy Warhol and pop art. They created their own pop art by cutting out repeated images and colouring them in different colours using oil pastels. Their favourite part of the lesson was singing along to pop music whilst working.
The children continued learning about portraits, this week they looked at the way Paul Klee used watercolours. They then created their own watercolour background, either by using long strokes or by dotting paint onto the paper.
To conclude our learning of ‘Man on the Moon’ the children have written a book review or a book report, including their favourite characters and if they would recommend the book or not.
In Geography, the children have been learning about ‘Our Wonderful World’. They used atlases and globes to find the continents and oceans.
In Science, the children have been learning about habitats. We went to the back of the playground to see what we could find in our local habitat. They found flowers, grass, trees, and even an ants nest.
In History this half term, our topic is The Great Fire of London. The children have been looking at what London was like in 1666 and how it compares to London in 2025.
The children ended their Geography topic of ‘Let’s go to China’ by tasting some yummy Chinese food made by our chefs. They had noodles, stir fry veggies, rice and egg fried rice.
In Art this week, the children have been planning their nature sculptures, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Next week they’re going to make their sculptures.
In Science, the children looked at how different objects were made out of different materials. They then bent, squashed, twisted and stretched objects to see if they would change shape.
In Maths, we finished our unit on shapes. The children have been sorting 3D shapes according to their properties and the teachers had to guess how they were sorted.
In Art, the children chose different natural objects to sketch. They had to look closely at the objects and think about shading.
In Geography, the children looked in the atlas at China and the different cities, rivers and landmarks in China. They even found China on the world map in the playground.
This week, we have been in full art mode. The children compared two paintings, wrote what they liked and disliked.
In Heads Up Kids this week, the children continued learning about Sebby Star. They sat in a circle, chose a star and thought of different ways to describe that emotion.
In Heads Up Kids this week, the children have been learning about Sebby Star. He has lots of different emotions. The children chose an emotion to draw and write about.
In Heads Up Kids this week, the children have been learning about Sebby Star. He has lots of different emotions. The children chose an emotion to draw and write about.
This week was Parliament Week, the children debated for and against wearing school uniform. They learnt about government and what happens in the Houses of Parliament. They then wrote about issues that are important to them, like free healthcare and more resources in schools.
The author of ‘Jojo’s Jump’ came in to school to read her book. She spoke to the children about trying their best to reach their goal, which linked nicely with the work we have been doing in English on following your dreams and being ambitious.
The children have been learning about ‘Rocket’ the main character from our class book ‘Look Up’. This week they learnt how to draw Rocket by the illustrator Dapo Adeola.
In Art, the children created self-portraits. This week they created self-portraits in the style of Picasso when he was in his Cubist era. They cut out facial features, stuck them in random places on the page and stuck colourful cellophane over them. We then discussed the difference between realistic and abstract art.
In Maths, we have been looking at place value. The children have been counting in 10s and 1s and making 2-digit numbers together, using maths manipulatives and place value charts.