Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 6 2024-25


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


This week, Year 6 have finally had the opportunity to paint their paper bird designs, and in some cases add feathers, after working hard to manipulate paper into looking like a bird.


This week, Year 6 have spent much of their time looking through their SATs papers and seeing how well they did and how they could potentially improve even more.


This week in Art, we have been trying to make sculptures of birds out of paper. The thing we found hardest was trying to attach our heads to our bodies!


This week the 8 children who were elected to the Tzedakah Tzevet, all gave their presentations to the whole school, promoting their chosen charity. Each class then voted on their preferred charity and Hatzolah was the winning charity, that the school will now adopt.


This week Year 6 have been doing lots of learning around the Holocaust and WW2, in our History lessons.  Early in the week, as it was Holocaust Memorial Day, we joined with Year 5, to have a think about life for some people at this time.


In Maths this week, we began looking at ratios and using the ratio symbol.  


In History we have been learning all about WW2 and specifically this week we have been learning all about the evacuee children and what it might have felt like to be evacuated.


In English this week we have been learning all about the features of a balanced argument and have been researching facts to be able to use in our final writing.


In DT we have been working on creating an adventure for the Beebots to go on. We wrote a story and planned its adventure and this week we have been building the actual 3D adventure, that the Beebot will take.


In Science, the children have been learning all about refraction. We drew images of arrows in our books, made predictions about what would happen and then held glasses of water over our work and watched the arrow switched to face the opposite direction. Magic!


In Science, the children in Year 6 have been looking at how light travels. Using measuring lines and angles skills, we built our own periscopes out of cereal boxes.


The children have been working in groups to create a presentation and poster about Israel, in Jewish Studies this week.


The children have been looking at how light travels from a source to an object, and then from that to our eyes in Science this week.  The children used their learning to produce a TV programme to teach others how we see and presented them to the rest of the class.


In science, Year 6 have been learning all about electricity, and were really surprised to find that it could travel through them and joining hands in a circle they were able to make a circuit.


As you are aware Year 6 has been in Kingswood all week, working on our teamwork. As one of our activities, working together in groups, the children had to build a safe shelter.


As our first circle meeting, as the leaders, will take place this week, we have been spending time working in our circle groups to plan our meeting.


In Year 6 this week, we have been very busy with practice SATs all week, but we still found time to have a go at making clay monkeys.


This week in English, Year 6 began looking at the new book that we will be reading, ‘Floodland’. In groups we looked at the front cover and tried to infer information from this, with evidence, what they thought the book might be about.


This week Year 6 have been learning all about some inventions that have made a difference to society and the world in which we live. They then did research on an inventor or invention of their choice.


This week Year 6 had a visit from Streetwise, as part of our Internet Safety week. We looked at the theme for this year, which is ‘Too good to be true’, the idea being that if something looks too good to be true, it probably is! With the objective to protect ourselves against scams and dodgy peo0ple online.


This week Year 6 had a visit from Seed, to launch the Clean Speech project 2025. Children and parents enjoyed some activities to get us thinking about what we are grateful for.  


This week Year 6 were lucky to have a visit from Streetwise, talking about Anti-Semitism and  


In Physical this week, we were trying to burn up some energy by seeing who could run the most laps of the playground.


In Math’s this week we have been looking at converting between metric and imperial measurements. Today we looked at converting between miles and kilometres.


In Jewish Studies this week the JAleph programme was introduced, to elevate Hebrew reading skills across the school. As part of this we have been playing Aleph Bet games to help with our learning.


In Science, we have been learning all about light and how we see. We created posters to show our learning.


We were all very excited this week to have visitors from Israel as part of the Chanukah Torch Relay. We tried to recreate the torch with our bodies, along with other Chanukah related shapes


This week eight children, who are the Tzedakah Tzevet team, represented the school for Mitzvah Day, by taking all the sorted food collection, to Food Bank Aid. As well as taking the food there, they were shown around the site and helped to sort the food we donated.


Year 6 this week, had the honour of meeting with some member of Kisharon school this week and worked together to sort through all the donations for the Mitzvah Day food bank drive.


In Maths this week, we used different resources to hrlp confirm our results, as we came to the end of our unit.


In English this week, we used all our describing skills, to try and describe a place for others to guess, that did not include any names or addresses.


Year 6 had a visit from Tribe to lead a session of Tishrai’s Got Talent, where the children did activities and quizzes around all of the Chaggim in Tishrai.



In Maths this week we have been working hard with number lines that go all the way to 10,000,000.


We have been spending a lot of time since becoming Year 6, working on building our leadership skills. As being leaders is something very important as we progress in Year 6 and take on more responsibilities.