Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 3 2024-25


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


In Science, the children learnt about friction by rolling a toy car down slopes covered in various materials.  


In Geography, the children began their learning about the UK. They used an atlas to find the capital cities of each country of the UK.


The children have been learning about multiples of various numbers. This week, they focused on counting in 3s.


The class enjoyed learning about Stonehenge and making their own mini models.


The children took part in an Art activity this week called ‘Autumn Floor Drawings’. This was a practise exercise, learning to draw from observation without taking their pen off the paper.


The class learnt how to create a continuous line drawing, drawing pinecones using one continuous line.


The children enjoyed their Art topic ‘Autumn’ by collecting and exploring the nature area. They created their own natural pieces and were amazing with the patterns they could spot around them.


The class loved their library slot this week, arranging the chairs to create a comfortable reading area in the corner of the library.


The children discussed advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano, considering whether they would like to live there or not.


The children learnt about different types of skeletons in Science this week. They sorted animal x-rays into vertebrates and invertebrates.


The class enjoyed looking at food labels in our Science lesson this week. They learnt about the traffic light system and were shocked to see that whole wheat pasta was healthier than blueberries!


The class have started learning about British artist and illustrator Sir Quentin Blake. They created copies of his famous pieces in their sketchbooks.


The children were thrilled to be able to use a laptop this week to learn how to safely use the internet.


In English, the children wrote their own setting descriptions for a new scene in Greogry Cool.


The children learnt about the permeability of soil this week, experimenting with a variety of soils and how much water will pass through them.


The class enjoyed investigating different types of soils, using magnifying glasses to identify the elements of the soil.


In Science, the children learnt how fossils are created. They then used clay to create their own mini fossil


Year 3 have been researching information about Tobago in order to write a non-chronological report. They were interested to find out that karaoke was invented in Tobago.


The children have been learning about myths for Black History Month, understanding how detrimental cultural and racial myths can be. They looked through statements about different people and decided whether they were true or false.


The class have been finding out different ways to represent 3-digit numbers. They could use dienes or place value counters, as well as many other methods.  



The class have been reading ‘Gorilla’ and read how Hannah had gone on an adventure with the gorilla. In groups, the children discussed the conversation that Hannah might have had with the gorilla.


In Maths this week, the children were making 2-digit numbers using dienes.