Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 4 2024-25


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


In English, the children were creating a story map in groups of the text The Tinderbox


In English, the children were introduced to their new book ‘The Tinderbox’ and discussed different topics on what they could see, who they could see and what they think might happen.


In English, the children were creating their story map, annotating it and adding to it throughout the week


The children were practicing for their dance festival next month


In English, the children were working together to sort our story map in the correct order. 


In Science the children were building a circuit, understanding how electricity works.


In English, the children were looking at writing a CV, they were writing as if they were B


In Maths, we were studying our 7 times tables and working together with resources to remember our 7 times tables.


In English, we have been publishing some of our work we have been really proud of this term  


In Geography we were looking at the tropics and researching the similarities and differences between whether it was in the tropics or in the UK.


In Geography we were finding different locations in an atlas using lines of longitude and latitude.


In English, we have been writing questions for one of the characters in our class book, “The Ice Palace”. We used these questions to hot-seat the character.


In Science, we have been learning about heating and cooling, the children investigated the melting temperatures of chocolate. They had to melt chocolate with water at different temperatures and time how long it took for the chocolate to melt.


For Black History Month, the children have been learning about challenging stereotypes, what stereotype means and how harmful it can be. They looked at photos of characters from different countries and matched them with the country they thought they were from. We discussed why they made these assumptions.


In Science we were learning about the digestive system. We drew around each other, then placed the organs in the correct positions.


In Maths we have been partitioning 4 digit numbers using place value counters.


We have been learning how to work effectively in a group. We carried out a challenge in groups and then discussed what made great group work.


In Computing, the children were learning how to create an email


In Geography, the children were looking at different states of matter. Solid, liquid and gas. They looked at ice, the gas from a kettle and liquid in a cup of water.


In PSHE the boys were learning about what respect means, saying one thing they respect about someone in the class that they don’t usually speak to.


The children come in after break and lunch everyday silently reading, this helps them regulate before starting the lesson.


In Jewish studies the children were working on a double Sheva in the middle of a word 


In English, the children were looking at what a newspaper article is, its features and annotated an example of a newspaper report to understand what is included.


In Art we were looking at Michaelangelo’s ‘painting on a ceiling’ and the children were painting on their back under their table.  


In Computing we were looking at what cyberbullying is and designed a poster on tips using technology safely, responsibly and being kind.


In Science, we have been drawing everything we have learnt this term into our books.


In Science we were looking at the water cycle and the children ordered the different steps in the water cycle.


In Science, we were investigating how the temperature of a room affects how quickly water evaporates.


In Maths this week, we have been learning about area. We compared the area of different shapes using the language, “greater than” and “less than”.


In English, we have been writing informal letters in character. We learnt about how to use first person and contractions in our writing.


In Maths we were learning about adding and subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s, the children worked together in pairs moving place value counters on a place value chart and writing the answer on their whiteboards


In History, we have been learning about who the Romans were. We looked at different artefacts and thought about what they tell us about the Romans.


In Computing, we have started our topic on Word Processing skills. In this lesson, we opened a word document, typed some text and learnt how to format the font type, size and colour.


In English we looked carefully at a description of a setting from our class book and drew a picture, then discussed which language helped us to visualise the scene. Some  of us were able to comment on its effect on the reader.