Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 5 2024-25


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


In geography, the children located and labelled different mountain ranges in different areas of the world.


In maths, the children played a place value game involving numbers up to 3 decimal places!


In science, the children tested out different materials to find out whether they were soluble or insoluble


In DT the children were testing different seasonal foods, rating them on their appearance, smell and taste!


In SPAG, children looked up the meaning of certain words and phrases and learned about  Active and Passive voice.


In science, the children learned how to describe the properties of different materials. As you can see, they played a game where they needed to describe material to the class.


In English, the children used their inference skills to answer questions about a character from a new text entitled ‘Children of the Benin Kingdom’ by Dina Orji


For Chanukah week, Year 5 created a class collage depicting Chanukah customs around the world.


In science, the children took part in shadow investigations where they made predictions, wrote methods and conclusions.


In art, the children began to draw out their own Greek Pottery designs using oil pastels and black pens.


In English and history, the children created an information poster based on gathering research of Greek themes such as Greek: art, entertainment, gods/goddesses, festivals, music etc .


In PSHE, we have been learning how to make meaningful connections towards one another.


In DT, the pupils developed their own marble runs using each of the techniques they learned over the past few weeks. The results were amazing!


In DT, Year 5 developed a range of practical skills to support them with making bends in their marble run test models.


In English, Year 5 planned and wrote diary entries from the perspective of Varjak Paw. They incorporated similes and metaphors in their writing to give the reader a sense of the character’s emotions as well as the surroundings.



In Geography, Year 5 used atlases to find different cities and rivers in Europe. They learned how to search for places using an index page.


In music, the children learnt some exciting new songs for a purim performance.


In computing, Year 5 have been uplevelling their maze games on Scratch.


In English, Year 5 drew a key scene from the book we have been reading in the classroom- The children of the Benin kingdom.


As a result of a child earning a new dojo reward, the pupils were taught basketball skills such as dribbling and shooting.


In English, the pupils spent the week editing and redrafting their survival guides- they turned out amazing!


In PSHE, the pupils participated in a workshop about Growth Mindset. This workshop explained how to set and reach goals, calm your feelings and share aspirations for the future.


In ICT, the pupils were introduced to FLOWOL and practised how to create an algorithm.


To revise our spellings, Year 5 played Hangman and Noughts and Crosses, using our words from previous spelling lists.


In art, the children finished making their Greek Vases using orange card and oil pastels.


In JS, the children learned how to write their own D’var Torah by using QR codes to research the Parasha for this week.


The children sang bensching with Miss Zairi, where they participated and followed along really well!


In maths, the children have learned how to make squared and cubed numbers using counters and unifix



As we are in Black History Month, the children created posters encapsulating phrases used in a spoken word poem by J Chambers entitled ‘Letter to Self’, and decorated these with images to represent them.


In maths, the children developed their understanding of rounding using number lines.


In computing, the children continued their understanding of refined searches as well as trusted websites.


The children looked at what shapes are used to reinforce freestanding structures. Here you can see them building the tallest towers using playing cards.